Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Beach Trip

We had a wonderful week at the beach this past week with Grammy, Pop pop, Amber, Ashley, Andrew and Nana. I think we lucked out on missing the HOTTEST week all summer in Charlotte, too. Alden LOVED the water and was in and out of the ocean over and over. It was great to have a pool, too, which she liked, but became more interested in walking around the deck as the week progressed.

Some highlights:
* First steps in the ocean...not wanting to touch the sand though
* Alden dancing on the counter eating a giant piece of watermelon.
* Enjoying the huge pile of shells left on the porch, and distrubuting them all over the deck.
* Great dinner out to Capt. John's in Calabash, which had an alligator (stuffed, of course) on the roof. Alligators say "Snap!"
* Auntie Ashley taught Alden to say "Wow"
* Time alone at the beach for mom and dad!
* Getting to spend time with Ashley's boyfriend, Andrew
* Alden going #2, and then bringing mom a diaper...probably a fluke, but cool in the moment nonetheless
* Playing with seaweed, but then realizing it is a whole different animal when the water moves it and it touches your leg...FREAK OUT.
* Seagull noises, fish noises (what does a fish say, you may ask, and the answer is "Glub, glub")
* Playing in the blow-up dolphin exclusively in the house, and shunning it completely in the water
* Dancing at the beach music concert, and going on a search with Pop pop to find the giraffe at the miniature golf place
* Happy hour daiquiris courtesy of the "Cabana Boy" aka Pop pop
* Holding a sand fiddler
* Going to the pool with Grammy and Pop pop and starting to swim

Now it's back to the old grind. Alden seems to have come back from the beach with either teeth coming in, an earache, or a combination of both. She told us last night, in her spotty baby signage, that her ear hurt. We are going to the doctor today just to make sure. Welcome home!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

* Happy hour daiquiris courtesy of the "Cabana Boy" aka Pop pop

I miss that cabana boy.