Thursday, September 6, 2007

Has the Teething Subsided?

Just wanted to record for posterity that last night was the first night in over a month that Alden has slept all night without the benefit of Motrin or Triaminic. Her snotty nose is finally drying up and hopefully, we are out of the woods with the teeth for a while. Please, Please.

It figures though, that while Alden was sleeping blissfully, Lily howled at 3:30 this morning and woke us up and then we were awake another hour while Matt battled allergies. Why is sleep so elusive??

This morning we went to the reading time at Barnes and Noble, which Alden likes for about 4 minutes, and then to Katie's. I got to get out to the barn this afternoon, and now Matt is out with his guys. We are headed to Apex tomorrow!

1 comment:

LAW80 said...

Do we have a future Pianist like her momma?
I have been enjoying the blogs! Thanks!!