Friday, November 2, 2007

First Pigtails

Isn't it hard to believe that it is November already! Why does it still feel like summer???

Alden and I have been having a pretty chill day, after lots of fun yesterday. We went to Barnes and Noble for storytime, which again, meant Alden running around and playing with the Thomas the Train set, and not really listening to the kind, engagi. She was really excited about the firetruck, school bus, and motorcycle board books that had wheels on them, which led us to meeting some new friends, Erin and her son Ryan, when Alden moved in on his territory.

Then, we went to the park, which seemed to be a hotspot for nannies yesterday. Kind of eerie, but I think I was the only one there with my own child, and one of 2 adults that were native English speakers. Again, Alden monopolized the swing and spent the rest of the time collecting sugargum balls.

Last night, Matt took Alden to Petsmart, and to the CJ Woodmasters store. One store for Alden, and one for Dad. Alden loved the birds and the cats, both of which we will never own ourselves, and especially liked the parrot. Matt said she was squawking really loud at an embarrassingly loud way.

Amber had mentioned on the phone yesterday that we were really fun parents to do things like that with Alden. As any other parents know, it has nothing to do with being fun, but more to do with a survival mechanism, and an attempt to stay out of the house. Your own toys are only fun for so long, and pretty soon, the tupperware, DVDs, piano, Mom's bathing suits, and Dad's shoes lose their charm, too.

I realized this afternoon, as we have been waiting for Matt, that I have never put Alden's hair up. So, we had a little beauty parlor time, and behold her first pigtails! She really likes them!

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