Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Little Fish

Let's pick up with our trip to Aiken. We had a quick, but good trip to Aiken two weekends ago. Matt got to see a civil war reenactment with his dad, I got to get out to see a horse show, and Alden got to play with he Grandma and Grandpa. They had gotten some fun toys for their house, which were a huge hit. And saves us having to lug another bag for next time. Matt and I got to have a dinner out by ourselves at his old place of employ, Ruby Tuesday, which had been completely redone inside. There was only one other guy Matt recognized, but as we reflected on it, it has been almost 2 YEARS since we were there! Wow! The event I went to was great - got to see some famous event people, and was encouraged by the number of older (read: older than 50) people competing. As much as I am missing riding now, it is encouraging to think that if I am still riding at 50 that is 20 years from now. I can learn a lot in that amount of time!

We had to come back early from Aiken for Matt to work at the Hilton on Sunday night, and I think that God knew I needed some company. Nana called and took Alden and I to dinner, and spent the evening with us doing the bath routine and watching the Oscars. It was great to spend time with her, especially after I had been dreading spending the evening alone with Alden.

This past week was busy, filled with our usual playgroups, library, and Y time. Alden is starting to say "Y", and is getting better about going. She had her last swim lesson for the month on Friday, and did a great job with her reaching, kicking and bubbles. Miss Tracy said she was doing great, and we will look forward to starting lessons again in April. Matt had gone with us earlier in the week and could see a big difference in what she has learned, climbing in and out of the pool, monkeying down the side with her hands, and holding a kickboard. She will float on her back with a duck balancing on her tummy sometimes, although please don't think she can do any not-touching-the-wall things without support. She is not a fish yet, but was really proud of her certificate of completion that she received from Miss Tracy.

Friday afternoon, we made an impromptu stop at the doctor's office after Alden had some crusty eye stuff that day. Turns out, she had pink eye, athlete's foot, and a paci rash, which all together makes for a crusty, infectious little girl. She got some medicine, and although she doesn't like having her eyedrops administered, she seems to get a kick out of putting them in our eyes, her animals, etc. She talks a lot about the doctor, and was really good for Dr. Courtney to check out all her boo-boos.

Alden is a big jumper lately...and somersaulter. She loves to dance and sing songs, and jumps up and down a lot. Today, as we were leaving Bible Study, she jumped over all the cracks in the sidewalk. This did mean that it took about 15 minutes to walk 30 yards to the car, but I was feeling gracious.

Last Friday, I got to shop early at the Y's consignment sale, and found some great little boy outfits for Hudson. It was sad to not look at little baby girl clothes, because they are so much cuter, but I need to accept that it will be fun to buy blue things, too. I found a few things for Alden and a really cute sundress for myself. Saturday morning I was up uncharacteristically early to volunteer for said consignment sale, and ended up having a great time. Besides the free Krispy Kremes, I met a neat lday named Bobbi who has 4 horses and 3 kids, and invited me to ride anytime after Husdon is born, or to come and see her 2 miniature horses with Alden before then. Hopefully, we won't be here then, but we really hit it off and I am always looking for a chance to ride!

Speaking of not being here long, Alden and I had lunch with our realtor Pam on Friday, too, and lowered the price of our house. Things are not moving at all in our neighborhood, and we are prayerful and hopeful that things will pick up this spring. We are also trying to be patient and enjoy Charlotte, and where we are, and looking for the purpose in our time here. Who knows, God's plans could be much different than what we are thinking, and probably are.

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