Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter Celebrations/How many nights in a row can we eat at Bebe's house?

So, I started writing this post right after Easter, and here it is, two months later, and I am getting back to it. I think I got discouraged because when I started downloading pictures, our computer was going through a hard time, and I lost all the text I had written. AHH!

Anyways, our Easter festivities began with the obligatory haircuts. Usually, both kids do great with getting their hair cut, but Hudson would have none of it. I had to hold him, and he still cried through most of it. We had dinner with Bebe and Pop pop Friday night, since Matt was working. This was after having eaten with them on Wednesday, too, since Matt and I worked.

Saturday, my mom kindly offered to watch the kids AGAIN and Matt and I went on a run together around the lake. We were gearing up for a race the following weekend, so it was great to get out together.

We made cupcakes that afternoon, in an attempt to duplicate a recipe from Southern Living. Well, I seem to have overcooked the angel food cupcakes, and plus, they tasted gross anyway. The funfetti ones are much better.That afternoon, after naps, we went to the Y for an egg hunt. They had face painting, snacks and crafts, and had egg areas set up in different areas for the varying age groups. Alden and Hudson's age was on the playground they are at for Cricket Club and Bumblebees, so they felt right at home and were ready to jump in. At first, all the kids were allowed to get 10 eggs, and then it was a free-for-all. Hudson got a ton. Alden didn't gather so many, as her strategy seemed to be: find an egg, shake it, determine if it sounds like it has good stuff in it, keep it or get rid of it. She didn't seem to realize that you should just grab all you can and worry about the quality of your loot later.

We ate dinner that night with Bebe and Pop pop AGAIN, and Bebe and I rushed around trying to finish up Easter outfits. It never fails that I have all year to do them, and I wait until the week of. Maybe because I think I will find the perfect thing in the store. Maybe because I can't make up my mind...maybe because I procrastinate. Anyways, we both stayed up very late.

Saturday night, around 11, we were just getting ready to go to bed and Hudson woke up screaming. He was absolutely inconsolable for almost 30 minutes, was burning up, coughing, and congested. He ended up sleeping with me in our bed, and Matt slept in his bed. I don't know why I am always afraid that Hudson will just stop breathing when he gets sick.

Doesn't he look pathetic?
Easter morning, we got up and did Easter baskets. The kids got bubble stuff, paints, and books. Unfortunately, Hudson was fever-y and puny, so he and I stayed home from church. All of the effort and time my mom and I spent on their outfits was for naught, since Hudson didn't even wear his, and when I put Alden's dress on her, I had smocked the arms too tight. She did have a back up, though, and she and Matt went to church on their own. Matt was super-Sunday-School-man that day, and taught our adult class, and the kindergarten class on his own.

I know it is shocking, but we went to Bebe and Pop pop's AGAIN that night. We did a little Easter egg hunt in the yard for Alden and Hudson and had an early dinner since I had to be at work that night. Amber brought Reg over, and it was great to see him again. Alden and Hudson love him. We did round two of Easter baskets. Alden got another princess doll and some princess books, and Hudson got some fun new Thomas trains.Alden and Pop pop baked this bunny cake, and Alden helped me decorate. She was very generous with her sprinkle application.

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