Wednesday, July 7, 2010

"Preschool Bible School"

The week after the beach was vacation bible school, or as Alden calls it, "preschool Bible school", at our church. Matt had been recruited to help with program, so our kids were able to attend the for-kids-of-volunteers-only-preschool class. The theme of the week was High Sea Adventure and Matt (Wag) and his friend Ed (Scally) were pirates-in-training, trying to steal the treasure map from some sailors.

I have to give props to our church for the great program they do, down to the incredible ship they had built at the front of the sanctuary. The little kids got to go in for the first part of the group session to see the skit and to sing songs. Word is, that Hudson did not like the ship. Alden was not impressed with Matt's starring role, either. I think she said 50 times a day, "I don't want Daddy to be a pirate."

Despite the ups and downs, everyone had a great time. The kids are still singing and dancing to the songs, and are glad that Matt and Ed decided to leave their life of piracy and become virtuous sailors.

From my perspective, VBS was great. Although I worked Tuesday and Wednesday, I had three morning ALL TO MYSELF!!!! I made it to the barn a couple times and enjoyed some Y time. Love it. Just a small taste of the two mornings a week I will be enjoying when the kids are in preschool this fall...

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