Tuesday, July 31, 2007

La Fin du Tour

We had a great weekend together as a family, enjoying the lack of projects around the house, and the cooler weather. We all went to the James Boyce park on Saturday and then to Freedom Park on Sunday. It is always fun to look at the map and find roundabout routes to explore Charlotte. The downside of the weekend was the end of the Tour de France, which has occupied our evenings for the past three weeks. Now what do we do??

As of yesterday, Alden is really into trucks. She saw one in my Practical Horseman magazine, and then was very interested in every "big truck" that we saw on the road. All cars, motorcycles, and trucks go "mmmm, mmm" which applies to ones she sees, as well as her toys. Horse noises are gradually being trumped by "grrr" sounds, and she knows that lions, tigers, and sometimes zebras (?) say that. She is adept in carrying on a long conversation in Aldenese, and yesterday night talked almost all of our walk back and forth with us. About what? We don't know...

This morning she really surprised me. She had been pushing the empty laundry basket around upstairs, and into the bathroom. I was ready to use it, and asked her to go get the basket and bring it to me. She did! She pushed it back out of our bathroom, down the hall to the laundry room. Interesting proof that she understands instructions, even if she doesn't obey them.
On a more frustrating note, Alden was up for 3 hours last night. Not hurting, not wet, not hungry - just awake and crying for 3 hours. And we thought those nights were over...

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