Friday, October 19, 2007

Crazy Week

Note: I wrote this Friday...I was trying to load a video and it took forever and didn't end up working...pretend you are reading this a couple days ago.

What a week we have had!!! I started my CNA class on Monday nights, which is a big time committment, but little did I realize how much it would disrupt the rest of my days. It has been quite an adjustment to get dinner ready by 5, and fit in all our other errands around naps and playgroups. Add the pressure to keep the house clean to sell and I am about to go crazy! Maybe I am a bad time manager, but I don't know how working moms do it.

Plus, Monday night Lily wanted out every couple hours, and then starting Tuesday night, she was still in and out, plus Alden was up for a hour or so. This continued into Wednesday, and needless to say, Matt and I are exhausted. Lily and Alden and I were at the vet yesterday for 2 1/2 hours waiting to be slipped in between appointments just to make sure she hadn't swallowed a rock again. Luckily, no rocks, just a GI upset. Thank goodness, since our pet insurance said 2 rock removals are all they will cover.

Today Alden and I were at the doctor for an hour just to make sure her ears are ok. She is getting her bottom molars in, and I just wanted to make sure there weren't any other problems. Luckily, she is clear.

Matt has been amazing taking on the evening shift of bossing Alden. She has been wild in the bathtub, and enjoyed Dad's leniency with extending bathtime. Tonight, she splashed half of the water out of the tub, and kept standing up, sitting down, and then turning on her back and to her front. She is crazy, and our bathroom is a disaster.

This past weekend, we were in Raleigh, and enjoyed a great time at the fair. Alden loved seeing all the animals, lights, carnies, and rides. She really liked cotton candy, and LOVED the lemonade that came in a plastic cup with its own straw. She has been drinking out of it all week (we've washed it, don't worry), and it seems to be a good way to get her to drink more water. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, and will have to post the pictures when my mom sends me hers.

Last Friday, Ashley, Mom, Alden and I went to see a bunch of the Parade of Homes. We thought that Alden would be bored silly, but she LOVED running around the empty houses, climbing stairs and laying on the carpet. Mom and Dad are looking at house plans for their property in Chatham county, and Matt and I got to see one of the front runners with my mom on Saturday.

As far as the class goes, let me sum it up for you...we talked about telling military time for twenty minutes. Seriously. Does that give you any indication of what I am sitting through 16+ hours a week?? I am sure that we will eventually be learning SOMETHING, and I have my first clinical tomorrow. It is at an assisted living facility, which kinds of freaks me out, since I am not super comfortable with older folks, but I just looked it up on line and one of the requirements to be there is bladder and bowel continence. Whew! That eliminates a lot of concern on my part. I already do enough botton wiping during the day!

I will let you all know tomorrow how it all goes, and how Matt and Alden enjoy their day without me. Hopefully, we will all get some sleep tonight!

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