Sunday, August 3, 2008

Birthday Recap

Tuesday morning, Amber called us at 6:00 to tell us to come to the hospital by 7:15 for our induction. Matt was already up, and I got up, showered, and we loaded up our bags for the hospital. Amber met us at the desk, having worked the night shift 7 p -7a. She got us set up with a great nurse, Lanie, and a super room. She and Lauren LiVecchi even left us a good luck message on our white board.
We went through all the admission stuff with the nurse, and met Dr. Zimmerman, who would be delivering Hudson. It was encouraging that I was already dilated 3-4 cm, which was an improvement from our last doctor's visit. They started the pitocin at 9:00, and checked me again at 11:00 before Lanie took her lunch break, and I had progressed to 5 cm. When Lanie was at lunch, I was starting to get uncomfortable stuck in the bed, and was able to move into a rocking chair, although I wasn't allowed to stand up and move around since I had all the stuff attached to me. That hour before noon, my contractions started coming every 2 1/2 - 3 minutes, and I was having to concentrate and breathe through them. I had a lot of lower back pain, and it helped to have Matt apply counter-pressure. I got my epidural at noon, and was 6 1/2 cm when Matt left to get a snack around 1:30. At one point, they had to give me some oxygen since Hudson was having some variables in his heart rate, which after the fact, they attributed to the cord being wrapped around his neck twice. By 2:30, I was 8 cm, and just before 3:00, I had dilated to 10 cm. We did some preliminary pushing with the nurse, and about 15 minutes with Dr. Zimmerman. Hudson made his appearance at 3:33! It was amazing how quickly it all much different than last time.

Amber had come in to check on us that afternoon, and she was able to come in pretty soon after we were all cleaned up. It was really special to have her there! They moved us up to our recovery room around 5:00, and Mom, Dad, and Alden were there to great us. Alden kept saying "Mommy, mommy" and didn't understand that she had to wait until the nurses got me moved and settled before she could come in. She was so precious visiting with Hudson, and didn't want anyone else to hold him. Our visitors ran out to get Chick-Fil-A and the giant cookie cake (my one request in the hospital), and came back bearing gifts of food. Alden cried when they left, but kept saying "Nurses help Mommy", like she kind of understood that I had to stay.

Our time in the hospital felt like a vacation. Matt and I felt guilty about having a couple days together just to read and hang out while Mom, Amber and Ashley tended to Alden while my dad went to Boston. We actually got a good 4 hour block, and a 3 hour block of sleep that first night between being up with Hudson, and being interrupted by nurses coming to collect blood, check vitals, and check on us. We had our first visit with the pediatrician, who told us Hudson checked out just fine, and had dropped to 7 lbs 9 ounces. Mom, Amber, and Alden came back to visit us that afternoon, and Alden enjoyed reading her new books. She wanted to read to Hudson, too, but he wasn't very interested.

Thursday morning, we met with my doctor, who cleared us to go, and pretty much spent the morning waiting for Hudson to recover from his circumcision. Ouch. We were finally able to leave around 2, and were welcomed home by Mom and Alden.

My OB left us with the following instructions, which I am recording here so I remember...they are a funny group of guys:

1. You must go out on a date ALONE and with your HUSBAND before you come back for your 5 week check-up.

2. If it hurts, don't do it. If it doesn't, you're most likely ok.

3. 4-4-4; 4 ibuprofen, every 4 hours for 4 days, if needed

4. Visitors must bring food, and if they aren't helping within 20 minutes, they need to go...(Time for the baby to nap...)
5. You must bring a picture to the office.

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