Thursday, August 21, 2008

Three Weeks...and a few days

This has been a busy week - here are some bullet points of what we've been up to:
- Grandpa and Grandma came to visit from Ohio. Hudson was excited to meet them! Alden had fun flying like Peter Pan with Grandpa, and showing off for them at dinner.

- Hudson had his first tub bath! He liked the water, but not the getting out afterwards. Alden was very interested in helping "wash bee-bee".

- Hudson had his two week doctor's appointment. He weighed in at 9 lbs 1 ounce, up about 19 ounces from his birthweight. Amazing that they can grow like that on milk...although he does eat ALL the time. The doctor said he looks great and that his goopy eyes are probably because of clogged tear ducts and it isn't a big deal.

- Alden woke up one morning when Matt was at work. She asked where he was and I told her...she says "Poor Daddy, no play with you". Then, she says, "Mommy play with you!" ("You" refers to herself...we still don't have pronouns figured out.)

- We signed Alden up for preschool. This is a huge prayer request answered because preschools fill up in February around here. I am super excited about where she will be and that she starts the Wednesday after Labor Day! I asked her if she wanted to go to school, and she says "Read books, color, playdough, park?" I think she will have a great time. Her class is Monday and Wednesday from 9:15 - 11:45.

- Both of the kids look so much bigger this week. Alden seems so much taller and her face looks thinner. Hudson looks bigger almost every time he wakes up!
Hudson is generally a pleasant child. However, he does not like to be put down if he is awake. He is not a big fan of the Baby Papasan, or the swing, or the Baby Einstein thing. This has thwarted most of my efforts to be productive in any way. His favorite things to do are to sleep on his tummy or sleep in the Bjorn. I am trying to keep it in perspective that at least he is not colicky!
He was pretty consistently sleeping 3 hours at a stretch there for awhile, and last night went 5, then 4 hours between feedings at night! Hooray! Amazing the difference between 3 hours and 4 hours of sleep at a time!
- Alden has started calling my mom "Bay-bay". She can't quite say Grammy, so lately, its Baybay...or Bebe, if you are french.

- We finally got out the baby swing. Hudson likes it ok, but Alden really enjoys pushing him in it. She tried to get in one time, and fell out. Luckily, it has been enough to keep her out of it.

-We met some new friends at the park! Kim, and her kids, Kayla and Gavin. They have recently moved her from New Hampshire and we have gotten to hang out with them a few days this week.

- Alden has been a good helper, for the most part, with Hudson. She will give him his passy if he needs it, and wants to "Hold bee-bee" a lot. Sometimes, I think Hudson looks at me and thinks, "Mom, make her stop!"

- Alden loves playing with the sticker books Grammy got her at BJs. Basically, you just match the stickers to the outline on the pages. One day, that wasn't fun anymore and she decided to put them all on Auntie Amber's legs...and her doll boots on her toes.

- Alden has enjoyed the baby gear a's a shot of her in the bassinet, which she can climb into by herself, and enjoying the Baby Einstein gym with Baby Brother.

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