Monday, December 15, 2008

Hudson Sits!

I have been a little out of commission. Sometime last week, I don't know if it started with kickboxing on Monday and was exacerbated by picking Alden up, but I hurt my back. Thursday and Friday I laid low and didn't do much at all. This was fortunate timing, however, because it was pouring rain, and we couldn't go out anyway. Two days was plenty of time, though, for me to realize that staying in the house for a whole day is hard!

Ashley has been working at a daycare/preschool in the afternoons and they had their Christmas program on Friday night. We took the kids, and Alden enjoyed watching "boys and girls singing!" Pop pop ran sound for the production, and let Alden play the drums afterwards.
Our evening was fun, and made me so thankful that I am able to stay home with Alden and Hudson. Of course, there are days that they drive me crazy, but seeing all those little kids that are at daycare all day made me so sad. It would break my heart to leave my two all day.

Saturday, Alden and Matt raked leaves, and we enjoyed some quiet time during naps. That night, we enjoyed an impromptu family night out to Chick-Fil-A. We decided to take the risk and go to Toys R' Us afterwards, with a warning to Alden that we would be looking, not buying, but that she could show us things that she would like Santa to bring her. Well, that ended up being almost everything in the store. She would point and yell, yes yell, "Santa, I get this for Christmas!" Some of her favorites were Diego, dinosaurs, and Thomas. Miraculously, we made it out without any tamtrums. Then, we went to REI and Alden tried out the Thermarests. She said she was camping.

Sunday, we went to church, and didn't have much time to do anything else around naps. Weekends just seem to fly by. We did indulge in the season finale of Survivor and were glad Bob won!

Today was a day that makes me just love North Carolina. After a week of cold, we had a beautiful day in the 70s. Alden had school, and then we played outside for a couple hours after lunch.
Alden was doing some "fishing" with a willow branch. She said she caught a "blue shark" and a "lobster."

Our big news lately is that Hudson is really sitting up by himself now for a minute
or two at a time. To celebrate, we let him try out the ring in the tub. He really liked it.
He is enjoying playing with toys, and starting to make little puppy noises when he wants to be picked up, or if we walk away from him. Matt was lifting him in the air the other day and he was giggling and squealing. He seems more animated and more talkative all the time.

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