Sunday, December 14, 2008


I have to record some of our conversations lately...

**Alden (seeing some kind of Disney Princess something on TV): Mommy, Mommy, I want dat for Christmas!!
Mommy: Maybe you should ask Santa for it. (And thinking, thank goodness she is interested in something girly)
Alden: No, I don't think so. Mommy get it.

**Amber was talking about going to Chuck E Cheese sometime. Alden sounded interested in going, and I asked her what she was going to do there. She replies, " Play dodgeball, and play catch."
WHAT??? I don't think she has even HEARD of dodgeball?!?!??! And I know she has no idea what Chuck E. Cheese is about.

**My mom is a lactaction consultant, and Alden was looking through one of her books that was laying around. She turns to a page with breasts on it, and says, "oooo, scary boobies!" Then, she points to one of the nipples, and says,"Funny nose."

**Alden's latest thing is "YESSSHH." This is funny, and a nice change from all the "no's". We were driving Saturday night and the moon was HUGE. We stopped at a stoplight and could really see it. I asked her if she could see it, and she replies in a very bored, I-don't-care-kind-of-way, with her head leaning on the side of her carseat "yesshh." Matt asks if she thinks it's cool, and again, another bored "yesshh."

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