Sunday, March 29, 2009

And most recently

Some of the memories of the past couple weeks...

Alden has been repeating our names when she talks to us "Mommy-mommy, can we read a book?" or "Here you go, Daddy-daddy." The funniest is when she refers to Hudson as "Ha-ha-Ha-ha".

We had given Alden a nightlight that was left in the new house when we moved in. It stopped working the other day, so she has been going to sleep with her door open. Last night, she had a giant poop around the time we were ready for bed, so she was up, changed, and back in bed, and I was turning out the lights. I turned off the hall light, no problem, I turned out our room light, nothing, then when we turned off Matt's bedside table lamp, a couple seconds later we hear this little voice, "It's dark. I can't see." I told her we were all going to sleep even Mom and Dad and she just goes, "Oh-KAY."Hudson was 8 months old on Sunday! Unbelievable! One of the biggest things for him now (and for Mom and Dad) is that he can now stay up to 2 hours at the Y instead of just 1. He is still crawling and pulling up and getting into everything. He can walk behind his little push toys, and just tried his first graham crackers, Cheerios, and bread at Bebe and Pop pop's Sunday night. We decided we would try to be more consistent with his bedtimes, too, because our whole house was thrown off from daylight savings time. Last night, he slept from 8:30 until 5:45! Then, he ate and was back down until 8:00. AWESOME. If we can keep this up, Matt and I may start to feel more like real people instead of shells of our former selves.
Last night, Alden had on a nightgown for bed, but had asked to wear pants, too. I put some on her, and a few minutes after we turn off the light, we hear, "Doesn't match. Doesn't match." I didn't realize she was so concerned about fashion already...and in the dark, nonetheless.

Alden and I making cookies the other day.
Hudson wanted to get in on the action, too.
Park pics.Alden having a tea party with Hudson.
I think he felt a little tricked that there wasn't real food on the spoon.Alden has taken to hanging her clean panties on the knobs of her dresser where they wait their turn to be worn. She says it looks like a rainbow.

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