Friday, March 13, 2009

That is not what I created you for

The end of last month, we were shocked when Matt lost his job. It was totally out-of-the-blue. Wasn't it just 11 months ago that we were going through this? At least this time we aren't pregnant:)

We have had an enormous amount of peace, knowing how faithful God has been in the past, and realizing that He will not forsake us, and that He will provide for us. It is an opportunity to pursue Him even more, and to grow in our relationships with Him.

I am doing the Beth Moore Esther study right now. It is a funny group, mostly women in their 50's and early 60's and me. One of the ladies I am in an exercise class with at the Y invited me. She is on Crusade staff and we had started talking one day and got to know each other. Anyways, a couple weeks ago, Beth used an example about her bird dog that loves to point squirrels. That dog will freeze in his point when he sees one, and her husband will literally have to pick him up, turn him, and set him back down in another direction. A bird dog is not created to point squirrels, after all!

That has been such a good analogy for me to remember in the midst of this. Obviously, what Matt was doing is not what God has created him for right now. He has stopped us and is redirecting us. We are committing our family to Him, and are confident that His plans and purpose for our lives is perfect.

I look forward to sharing how Christ is moving in our lives and growing us through this latest transition. Thanks for your prayers!

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Allison, so so true! I'll be praying that God will make the right job position very clear to both you and Matt.