Friday, June 19, 2009

Alden's First Boyfriend

I went to pick Alden up at the Y today, and the girl asked if I knew about Alden's young love in Cricket Club. There is a little boy named Armen that she met one day when we were leaving and walking out with him, his mom and little sister. Alden and Armen just started chasing each other around the parking lot (hello, danger) and then the next day, we were all signing in at the same time and they took off running around the bottom floor of the Y. We walked into Cricket Club at the same time earlier this week, and they look at each other and smirk, and say "Chase?" and start again. The Cricket Club girl said they were holding hands and chasing all day today. Wow. We weren't ready for this yet! He is really cute least Alden has good taste :)

In other news, Hudson is suffering from what I think is teething-induced fever. The past couple days he been puny and clingy, and is not eating much. Since he screams when we try to give him his Ibuprofen, I could see a little point of his top left molar wanting to break through his gum. Poor Ha-ha.

When he is not fever-y and whiny, Hudson has started doing some fun things. He points at everything and wants to know what it is. Favorites of his seem to be lights (which my mom swears he said the other day), fans, trees, and dogs. He surprised us the other day when I told him to go get his cat Beanie Baby he was playing with at Bebe's and he went and got it and brought it to me. I remember when Alden first showed she understood something. You actually feel like you are communicating! We were looking at books the other day, and he could point to the dogs, horses, cats, and roosters. Both of my kids really like roosters.

Alden has been in swim lessons this week, and will continue through next week. Her teacher's name is Wes, and she refers to him as "Little Miss Wes" thanks to the "Little Miss Giggles" and "Little Miss Naughty" books that she is so fond of lately. (We also have Mr. Happy and Mr. Tickle, but she still refers to them as "Little Miss" instead of "Mister") She says her favorite part is going underwater, and she is doing a great job floating, and can swim 4 or 5 feet without her floaty-thing. She does really well taking breaths and doing arms and kicking with the float, so we are making some good progress.

Well, that about catches us up on this week. Now, I only have to back track another 6 or so weeks to get the blog up-t0-date again. It is always harder to do when I know I have to remember so much...

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