Friday, June 19, 2009

Second Week of June

This post is starting with Sunday, the 7th...

Matt and I volunteered to teach the kindergarten Sunday School class for this year, and Sunday was our first day. It was a bit of a rocky start, as we hadn't gotten the lesson ahead of time, and we had a little girl throw up twice (yuck), but we are excited to do it. Already, Matt has gone to the Fresh Market to get some samples of the grains that Joseph may have been storing up during the 7 years of plenty in Egypt .

We had our new member class at church, our second one out of four. We are really excited about finally being official, and have enjoyed the class a lot.

That night, the cul-de-sac down from us hosted an ice cream party. We had a good time meeting neighbors, and realized that I went to school with some of our neighbors' kids. Alden ran around with her friends Isabelle and Phoebe, and the kids got to watch some firecrackers and throw those little poppy-things.

The big news from June is that I have a job!!! I will be working as a secretary/tech in the CCU at Rex Hospital. It is just 2 shifts a week, sometimes days and sometimes nights and I will have the chance to learn a lot. I don't start work until July 13th, since I have to go through hospital orientation first, and that is when the next one starts.

Thursday, we drove to Charlotte for the night to go to Alden's friend Connor's 3rd birthday party. She had a fun time running all around the playplace and I got to visit with Katie and Darci, who I miss SO much. We spent the night at Nana's house, and Ashley came over the next day and had breakfast with us before we had to head back to Raleigh.Wearing Nana's shower cap.

We went to the pool Saturday and let Alden do some practicing for her swim lessons. Hudson loved being in the big pool with her, and started jumping off the side of the pool to us.

Hudson with his two favorite things...the dressage whip and the foam sword.

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