Monday, November 9, 2009

Tobacco Trail

The weekend of the 24th, Matt and I ran the Tobacco Trail 10-Miler. Matt might tell you differently, but I thought it was STINKIN' hard and I couldn't have gone any further. Matt actually ran faster than he thought he would. Not me.

The girls started about 10 minutes before the guys, and around mile 6, Matt caught up to me and passed me. There were close to 30 people from our YMCA running group, so there was a lot of company to be had and encouragement.

After the race, we booked it, sweaty and stinky over to Karen's parents for a little birthday party for her son Owen. The kids loved riding in the jeep and swinging on the treehouse ladder.

I worked the next day, and couldn't quite kick the tired feeling. It turns out that I was coming down with something, and had a fever and achiness for most of the week after.

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