Wednesday, March 10, 2010


This past month, the kids have seemed to grow up a lot. Both of them seem so much taller, and Hudson's hair is growing like crazy. He has started trying to talk a lot more. The other night, we were doing baths at my parents' house, and he looked at a picture and I told him that was Mommy and Dancy (a horse I used to ride). He just blurted out "Dancy"! Another night, we were watching TV at Bebe and Pop pop's and he just busted out with "Backyardigans"! What?!?!? Anyways, it seems that he CAN talk if he so chooses, although sometimes I think he just gets lucky and the syllables all come out the right way.

Pop pop traveled a lot last month, and now whenever Hudson sees an airplane, he says, "Pop pop". Matt is going to Philadelphia this weekend and we told Hudson that Daddy was going on a plane. He just shook his head. Obviously, Pop pop is the only one cool enough to fly.

Alden all of a sudden colors in the lines, draws pictures of people (she refers to them as "men"), and can write letters. I don't know how all this came together. We are still working with her on holding her pencil the right way all the time, though. She is starting to sound out words pretty consistently, and we are working our way through the first box of Bob books. Is she really reading?? Or just memorizing?? Maybe a little of both. Tonight, she really did a good job of sounding out new words.

She is out-growing all of her winter pants. We are fortunate that spring has finally come to NC, and hopefully, we can push through the next few weeks with the last couple pairs that are long enough. It is hard to find pants that fit either of the kids well. They have such skinny waists (because they don't drink milk and hardly eat) that nothing except elastic seems to stay up. We have tried some of those pants with the elastic and buttons that help you adjust, but those don't seem to be very comfortable on their bellies.

We have enjoyed the nice weather this week, and have been to the park almost as many times as we did between December and February. The daffodils in our front yard are blooming, and just today I noticed more buds coming out on the trees. I know, I know, we just got snow a week ago, and there is probably more cold to come, but I am relishing the sunshine. I don't think I have ever been so ready for spring!

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