Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Another Big Step

Not only was today a big day for Alden, with the whole turning 4 and all, but Hudson is now sleeping in a big boy bed! We had taken down my old pencil post bed that was in his room this past weekend, since it would have been too high for him to sleep in, and put the mattresses on a lower frame. I have been a little hesitant about moving him...not knowing if he would sleep, not knowing if I would sleep because of that, and also just because he is our last baby. It is a little bit sad to be packing the crib away...and the crib bedding because I like it so much.

Matt knew about all my reservations and stall tactics, so while I was gone this morning, he snuck and dismantled the crib so at naptime today, we didn't have a choice. ( I think he also knew that he wouldn't be here for nap or bedtime to have to deal with the consequences...very sneaky) Anyways, Hudson hopped up in bed like a pro, and was out at naptime in under 10 minutes.

Bedtime tonight was a little bit more complicated. I had to bring him some water, and then I decided he should have a night light, but after taking care of those little things, he crashed. Yay! I think for both the kids, having passys has helped with the crib-to-bed transition. They would follow their passys off a cliff.

I know, I know, I could have kept him in the crib for another year even...he wasn't climbing out or anything...but, we are going to the beach in a week and a half, and it was either big bed or pack-and-play, and I just can't torture him and make him sleep in the pack-and-play...I mean, I wouldn't want to sleep on one of those mattresses. And, when we go to Ohio later this summer, he was going to be in a big bed then. Listen to me trying to justify this. I am still a little bit sad that my baby girl is 4 and that my baby boy is out of his crib.(This picture is from February...and yes, he is standing on Alden)

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