Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Four Years Old!

I can't believe that Alden is 4 years old today. Four seems so grown-up. So much more than three. She is definitely not a toddler anymore. She is so tall and talkative and bright and snarky and fun and wild. I never could have imagined how she would turn out when I was holding this little 6 pound baby.We have seen a lot of changes for our family in the past four years, and her presence was very much a catalyst for all of it to take place. I am so thankful for her and can't believe that God has entrusted us to parent her. Isn't she just precious?Overall our day was pretty chill. Last Friday, we had gone to the zoo, which was the big deal for her birthday. There is a blog post coming on that...Matt had the kids this morning while I had a riding lesson, and then after naps, he and Alden went to her swim lesson, and Hudson and I ran errands and picked up her birthday cake.

From what Matt said, Alden was very enthusiastic about swim lessons, and was telling everyone that she was 4 today. They even moved her up to a different class.

We had a quick dinner with Bebe, Pop pop, and Amber since Amber and Matt had to be at work at seven. Alden ate maybe a chicken nugget and maybe a strawberry. They liked the blowers.

We did birthday cake, and opened presents. Alden made out like a bandit, and was very excited about her "Belle dress- a big one", as she would say, and some other princess-y things. I even broke down and bought her a couple of princess bathing suits...this is a big step for me. I don't believe in cartoon characters on clothes kids were in public. They are fine for pjs...and I guess now for bathing suits. She was thrilled, and I guess that makes it worth it.

By far, the best entertainment of the evening was provided by the cardboard box full of packing peanuts that came with the gifts from Grandma and Grandpa. Hudson sat in them and shoveled them for a while, and then the kids were making it "snow"...crumbling up the peanuts all over themselves and all over Bebe and Pop pop's floor.
We painted toenails and fingernails with Alden's new nail polish.

Miscellaneous pics... Bebe and HudsonEven on her birthday, Alden does not want her picture taken.Pop pop helped Alden put together the Play-Doh ice cream shop. (I think he was as interested in it as she was)

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