Thursday, May 20, 2010

Purple Bear Picnic

Alden had her last week of school the week of May 17th. Their actual last day in the classroom was that Tuesday; they had a Luau-themed day and the kids made fruit kebabs and pictures of the beach. Unfortunately, Luau day was cool and rainy, and I don't think they were even able to go out on the playground.

Luckily, things cleared up for the end of the week for their End of Year Picnic. Everyone met at one of the local parks and the kids played, ate, and celebrated their graduation from the 3-year old class.

Hudson found this gigantic shovel and carried it around for about an hour. The highlight of his day was when the boys from Alden's class were chasing him around because they wanted it.
Ever the grouch, even at her picnic.
What a contrast to this smiley face!
Mrs. Rudd, Alden and Mrs. Johnson. The child will not look at the camera.

One of the mom's from Alden's class had made the kids capes at the beginning of the year to keep for dress-ups. Superwoman!
Hudson made friends with Liam's little brother.
Eating lunch with dad.
Playing on the tire swing with Josh F. and Annabel.

And here she is, the last day of being a Purple Bear.

She has grown up so much! Look at this little peanut that on her first day of school this fall.

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