Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

This past weekend, we really tried to fit a lot in. Saturday, Matt had a study day, so the kids and I went to the Y, and then to the dressage show at the fairgrounds. We made it just in time to see Dawn, my trainer, and her horse do their second level test. As usual, we only lasted about 25 minutes at the show, but the kids were very well behaved, speaking quietly and not running around the horses, so I call that success.While the kids were napping, I was able to ride Phoenix, and give him a bath. Then, we went to my parents for dinner. It was supposed to be a date night for Matt and I, but our plans to watch a DVD kind of fell through and we went to bed at 9:45.

Sunday, I taught kindergarten Sunday School and Matt did his usual combo of youth and college classes. The kids and I went with my parents to Uncle John's house to celebrate Nana's 90th birthday, which was on the 1st. Nana is just so amazing. She is a lovely, servant-hearted woman and I can't believe all that she does and all the people she cares for. She is definitely one of my heroes!
I mean, how many ninety year olds are doing high-kicks on a pool float???
We also called Nana's sister, Auntie Cornelia, because she turned 94 that day. She would have been right in the middle of the kick line if she wasn't in California!John - taking a break from his MC/DJ responsibilities to do some grilling.

The kids had a great time in John and Linda's pool, and looking at the tractors and dump trucks. It was so good to see everyone and have a chance to spend time as a family before Nana's big extravaganza party at the History Museum next weekend.Hudson asking,"Where is George?" The cat...that Uncle John bowled into the pool...and who spent most of the afternoon hiding under the sweet potatoes.
Hudson closed himself up in the wine cellar and was pretending to be in jail.

The kids finally fell asleep in the car after we were more than halfway home. We stopped to let my parents off at their house, and both of them woke up screaming, and continued to scream all the way home, through their bath time, and into their beds. Phew.

The next day, Matt spent with us after having two days in a row to catch up on school work. We went to the pool and had a picnic since it was the last day of the season. We read some during naps and had dinner again at Bebe and Pop pop's. It is cute that Hudson is starting to call my mom "Gaga" sometimes. Now we can refer to her as "Bebe Gaga".

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