Thursday, June 5, 2008

Big Girl Bed!!!

Last night in the crib!!!! First night in the big girl bed!!!!!!

Alden’s first night in the big-girl bed went well! We set up the playhouse that Elizabeth and Paul had given us where the crib used to be, and I don’t think she noticed that the crib was gone. She thought she was pretty cool getting to sleep in the twin bed.

Our friends Lori and Andrew Thomas came down on Thursday night with their daughter, Libby, who is 3 ½ months old. Andrew just finished his last exam and graduated from UVA Law the following weekend. It was so good to see them. We had a great time taking the girls to the park to hike, and to the mall. Alden loved having “Baby Li-ee” at our house, and we were so glad to get some time with Lori and Andrew before they head back to Ohio for Andrew to start work. Unfortunately, Saturday night, we hit a rough patch with Alden’s sleeping. For the next few nights, she would wake up in the middle of the night and want to read books. We had to let her cry for a while, and after that, she seemed to get the point that books go night-night, too.

On Mother’s Day, we got together at Nana’s house with my dad’s family. We were a little late, since Alden was especially grouchy, and really needed to take a good nap. She had a great time playing with Scottie, and went right to the closet to get the books out, and wanted to take them outside, since she remembered Kitty Scott reading to her last time we were there. She and my dad got some great time together reading outside. My mom, unfortunately, missed the celebration, and stayed home sick in Raleigh. They had already had a busy weekend celebrating Ashley’s graduation from Appalachian State!

It was kind of sad to start the week alone after the excitement of our trip, and our friends being in town. Back to the old grind. I had another doctor’s appointment that Wednesday, the 14th. I have really liked the doctors in our practice, and hope that we will still be in Charlotte for Hudson’s delivery. His heart rate was 143 bpm, and I measured around 30 cm. The doctor told us that Hudson was lying diagonally across my belly with his head down. This explains that jabs in the ribs that I have been experiencing. Dr. Fishburn asked Alden if she had a baby in her tummy, and she was really cute and said, “Mo.” Then, he asked if her daddy did and she said “Mo” again. She is always really interested in what the nurse and doctor do to Mommy.

Alden and I hosted playgroup at our house on Thursday. It is always hard to be the kid hosting, and Alden ended up with a lot of time-outs. It was fun to have our friends together since we hadn’t seen them in a while.

That weekend, we went to Waxhaw for the Spring Fest. They had a bunch of booths set up, and we got to see some turtles, ponies and lots of dogs. We ate cotton candy, and “Chik-shay” for lunch. Alden wasn’t as interested in playing that day…I think she remembered the big kids that were screaming and loud the last time. That night, we went to Bill and Ashley’s for dinner. Alden and Ella had a fun time playing together. Sunday, we went to church (“cheech”) and took Alden and Lily to Idlewild park for a hike. We got a little lost, so our quick trip ended up taking 1 ½ hours. Alden stayed entertained playing with little pieces of "bak" from the trees. We had an impromptu dinner with our friends Marco and Shannon, and Matt got to watch the Cavs game.

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