Sunday, June 15, 2008

May Recap - Alden's Latest

Just a few of Alden's latest May things...

- Ever since Matt lost his job, Alden will pick up a bag, or box, and walk out of the room saying, "bye, I'm goin' to work". Then she will run back in and say "I'm back!". I don't know about her timing, but at least someone is working around here...still haven't seen her paycheck though...

- She sings a lot; we don't know what about, but one of her favorites, is "Dee a Y, dee a Y." Sometimes she thrown in a growl at the end. We thought maybe she was singing "Deep and Wide" and have been teaching her the motions for that.

- She has moved out of the Baby Room at the Y, and I am sure the ladies are very thankful. Now she is in the Big Girl Room (2s) and every time we go to pick her up, she runs out and exclaims "Big Girl Room!" She even made Matt a cute I Love my Dad picture one day.

- We got a movie from the library about going to the potty...and in the 2 weeks we had it, I bet we watched it at least twice a day. There is a really obnoxious song, "Bye, bye pee, bye, bye poo" that has been going through our heads all day. Alden loves it.

- She also really likes a video about animal babies that came from the church yard sale. She calls it "Ah-Bees".

- In the car lately, she has started saying "ma, ma, ma" or "da,da,da" until we turn around, make eye contact, and see what she needs to tell us. This is difficult when you are the only one in the car and trying to drive at the same time. It isn't enough just to say, "Yes, Alden". She expects you to LOOK at her.

- Coming back from Raleigh after her birthday, she talked about her mosquito bites for 10 minutes straight. No kidding. Luckily, they have started to fade.

- She is really interested in my belly, and calls Hudson "Bee." She will say "Hi, Bee!" and try to lift up my shirt, and them put it back down, and say "Bye".

- If we are on our way to a friend's house, the Y, church, etc, she will say "Nice". We have had a lot of conversations about being nice to other children. Like, you don't kick your friends, and you don't poke babies' eyeballs.

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