Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Cereal

Sunday night, in attempt to space out Hudson's every 2-3 hour meals, we gave him his first rice cereal. I wouldn't say he loved it, but he did eat some, and today downed a little more.
He was a little more interested in grabbing the spoon.
All his eating is making a big difference. He is so much bigger than even at Christmas time. He wants to grab and touch everything, and has enjoyed all of his new toys.

Another biggie for him is that we moved his crib into Ashley's room, since she is in Charlotte for a few weeks. Hopefully, we will all get more rest with him in another room. Ever since our bout of sickness earlier in December, he has been up 2 or 3 times a night. That is just not cool.
I have to record, too, that Mrs. Leonard said Alden spent 20 minutes at school the other day looking at the new books they have about winter. She was talking about the pictures and telling stories, although Mrs. Leonard said she didn't understand everything Alden was saying (I told her we don't either). Alden has enjoyed her books a lot lately. She got a Little Golden Book of 9 bedtime stories from Scottie that we have all read about 800 times in the past week and a half. However, the story of Little Black Sambo is now called The Boy and the Tigers. Hmm.

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