Saturday, January 17, 2009

Haircuts, Kisses and Endos

Here I am, updating from last weekend. Saturday was a really fun family day, despite our initial dread. We had scheduled the kids' pictures for the morning, which any parent can tell you is no cup of tea. These were the Christmas pictures that didn't quite get done before Christmas in the midst of our sickness. However, much to our surprise, Alden was exceptional compared to her other picture experiences, and Hudson did great, too.

Alden's pre-picture haircut.After pictures, we went to Southpoint for some lunch in the food court, and for Alden to play on the playground, which was her incentive to behave for photos. We had a really fun time together. That night, Matt and I went out on a date to the new pizza place in Apex, which was ok, and then to Kilwin's for ice cream, which was very good. The weekend before, we has rented Batman Begins, so we all settled in for the slightly disturbing The Dark Knight.

Sunday, we went to church and I had Laura's shower at noon. It was fun to see the girls two weekends in a row, and to get excited about all the little baby things Matt and Laura received. Baby stuff is so fun. We all bundled up that afternoon and walked down to the park by the pool. Alden enjoyed walking Kaylee.This past week, we started getting back on track sleeping wise. Hudson had 4 nights in a row where he just woke up once. It is amazing how just a little more sleep can make you feel like a functioning, productive human being. But, as luck would have it, 2 nights ago, he started with the congestion and coughing AGAIN. I can't wait until spring. The good thing is, he will have remarkable immunity to all these bugs after the past 6 weeks.
Hudson also started giving kisses and hugs this week. He grabs onto Matt or I and squeezes as hard as he can, sliming us with a kiss. It is really cute. He can get up on his hands and knees, and basically moves where ever he wants to go by rolling and scooting across the floor. He is eating his cereal like a champ, which I think has helped with the sleeping. Maybe next month we will try some veggies.

One of his cool tricks is to pull himself out of the Bumbo seat using the playgym.Hudson and I got to go to school with Alden on Wednesday to help make pizzas. Her class is talking about hot and cold this month, so one day last week, they held ice cubes, and this week, the pizzas were their example of "hot". It is so fun to see her and the other kids in her class in that environment. She is still bossy.
Alden got bucked off her bouncy horse Maverick (My-nack) last night. I was in the kichen and Amber was sitting with Hudson on the couch, and the next thing we know, Alden has done an endo, over Maverick's head, onto the floor. Luckily, she was fine...and you have to fall off 100 time to be a cowboy so there's 1!

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