Thursday, January 29, 2009

Snow, House, Hudson's 6th Month Bday

Well, let me just eat my words about the snow. We woke up two Tuesdays ago to about 4 inches of white stuff, and it just kept going until afternoon. What a treat! It was like Christmas for Lily. She pounced all around, ate snow and squeaked, and laid in it. Poor "Yiyay". She misses Colorado.

Matt had Alden out before 8, bundled up and on the swing set. We were supposed to have our closing that morning at 9:30, but it was postponed until the next day. Matt's office was closed, and we enjoyed having a day off together! We took the kids out for a walk and Alden was snow-angel crazy. She went sledding on "zach's sled" next door and thought going down the slide in the backyard was really cool.

Wednesday morning, we did finally close on our new house! Matt and I went by after we had signed all our papers, and before he had to go to work. Mom and I went back that afternoon and started doing some cleaning, although with 2 kids, our productive time only ended up being about 30 minutes. Thursday, I packed up the kids and took them over myself, only managing to vacuum 2 bedrooms, and wipe off a counter and mirror in the master bath before Hudson was melting down and Alden had a giant poop. My parents cleaned our carpets on Thursday night, which was a HUGE help.

Saturday was moving day! Matt and Dad had a group of YL guys who helped us, and they were done in 3 1/2 hours. AMAZING. We could not have done it without their help, or without Ashley, Andrew and Nana, who came up from Charlotte to wrangle kids. While the men were moving boxes, Amber and I cleaned the kitchen, and she and mom lined the shelves. Saturday night, we left Alden with my parents, and Matt, Hudson and I spent our first night in the new house.

I don't know how long the link will be there, but this is the house on the listing agent's website.

Sunday afternoon, we made huge strides while the kids were asleep, getting our bedroom organized, and the kitchen put together. Monday, I worked a lot getting boxes out of the living room, so we could arrange furniture that night. Slowly, slowly, it is starting to feel like a home. It is almost like Christmas, too, finding things that we haven't had in 6 months. Alden has been thrilled to find 2 boxes of books and tons of old toys as we have unpacked.

Monday night, our neighbors across the street invited us over for cookies and milk. They have 2 daughters, 9 and 5. Alden and Isabel, the younger one, were upstairs reading books, and we had a bit of a riot when we told her we had to go. First thing the next morning, Alden asked if we could "go back to that house and eat cookies, and read books"??

Monday was also Lily's first night in the house. She was very hesitant to come in, and to walk on the floors. She still avoids the linoleum in the kitchen, and sticks to the wood and carpet. Funny, because the linoleum isn't slippery at all. We have taken her on some good walks on the greenway, and let her enjoy her fenced in yard complete with squirrels. I would say that she is pretty used to being there now, and I think she enjoys being able to sleep in our room again at night.

Wednesday was Alden's first day back at school in 2 weeks...and boy, was I ready. With the snow, and teacher workdays, it had been a LONG time. Hudson and I went to the Y, and I did NO work in the house. We all napped in the afternoon, and had our first dinner in the house...TACOS. Yum. The nap situation has been a little askew this week. Monday and Tuesday, Hudson was up almost the whole time Alden was sleeping, and then tired right before she woke up. Yesterday and today, we are getting back on schedule.

And, Thursday was Hudson's 6 month birthday!!!! I CANNOT believe how fast it has gone, and am very thankful to have these first 6 months behind us. He is pushing up on his hands and knees, and every now and then, will scoot one knee underneath him in a crawl-like manner. The pink medicine worked wonders for him, and since we have been in the new house, he has slept 8-9 hours at a stretch at night. HALLELUJAH!!!!!! His two bottom teeth are definitely in, and he is chowing down on cereal a couple times a day. I bought some sweet potatoes to cook for him just the other day, and some avocados to try soon. He loves watching Lily and Kaylee, laughing at Alden, and really lets us know when he wants someone to pick him up or play with him. He is super wiggly and wants to go everywhere and put everything in his mouth. The other day, he squealed and talked to the rocking horse for the longest time. Overall, he is super cute and cuddly, and very sweet.

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Congratulations on the new house! It's sooo cute! :)