Thursday, April 30, 2009

Adam and Eve's Campout...what is missing from the Bible

Last Sunday, all the 2-coming-3 year olds at church got a Bible. It is a younger version of one Alden already has, and she has been reading both of them a lot recently. She likes the one in which got creates Adam and Eve in the garden, but by far, she is most interested in the story about Adam and Eve disobeying God and having to leave the garden. I think it has to do with the disobedience aspect, and we all know how that is Alden's specialty.

Anyways, last night I read those 2 stories to her, and she asked about 15 "Why?" questions. She asked where Adam and Eve were going since they had to leave the garden, and I just told her, "The desert." Alden says, "They are probably having a campout...with marshmallows....maybe they will go to the pool." Betcha hadn't read that in the NIV!

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Hilarious! I love the mind of a 3 year old! :)