Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Partay!

The Rainbow Kids Class: Caroline - Snow White, Mrs. Leonard-Hockey Player, Ethan-Batman, Jake-Pirate, Mrs. Gregory-Princess, Alden-Peter Pan and Rowan-Ninja. (Davis-Football Player didn't want to be in the picture!)
Yesterday was Alden's Halloween party at preschool. I had signed up to be the point person, so it was my first mom-of-a-preschooler responsibility. My powers of delegation meant I was only responsible for the craft. Not bad. Here is Alden enjoying the cookies one of the other moms made for snack.Tuesday, between naps, diaper changes, meltdowns, etc, I made her a Peter Pan costume, since that is what she wanted to be. This was my first completely solo sewing project, and it actually went ok. I really only sewed the shirt, shoes and hat, since I went to about 7 places on Monday looking for green pants/tights.
So, we got her dressed up and I got to go for snack and craft time at school. Then, they did a little parade up and down the hallway. Bebe, Amber, Matt, and Hudson came to watch, and Alden was so excited to see them. She ran to Amber right away and kissed her hand, and wouldn't go back in her classroom unless Amber and Bebe could go too. We played on the playground for a while, and then went to Brueggers for lunch before Matt had to go back to work.

Bebe, Alden and I went to the church to get a pumpkin. Alden kept picking up the little gourds, and saying "fish", "octopus", and "goose." They actually did kind of look like the animals.

Wednesday was also Hudson's 3 month birthday!!! What a huge milestone! It is like the final 4th trimester is over and he is officially a real baby and not a blob. He is starting to grab and hold things, and is so smiley. He loves for people to sing to him and bounce him around and will laugh and laugh. He is so sweet. I just love him so much.This past weekend, we took the dogs and the kids to walk on the Tobacco Trail. Alden needed to "take a break now on this bench." Hudson was just enjoying the view.

We were going to visit the pumpkin patch after the walk, but kids and dogs were worn out. I had to take a picture of them in their Halloween duds, though.We went to feed the ducks at the lake today. It was all good until 15 geese flew over and scared Alden to death.


Jessica said...

Excellent stitching. That costume trumps both of my kids by far!

Allison said...

yeah, it looks alright in the pictures, but I just washed it, and the sleeves and bottom started getting all unravelly.