Friday, October 31, 2008

Carving Pumpkins

We carved our "punhun" last night. Amber and Pop pop did most of the disembowelment, which was fine with me, since I don't like the smell and plus, it is slimey. Alden put a glove on and pulled some out, too. She let Hudson smell the top. Then, I think she rubbed it on his head. Then, he needed a bath.
We were throwing the guts in a bag, and Alden kept grabbing it, walking away from the table, and saying, "Bye, I'm going to the yake; going to Avery's house to ride the boat, watch Dad waterski and fall." Then, she would go sit on the bottom step. A few minutes later, she would come back in and say, "I'm Baa-aack from the Yake." Who would have ever thought that a bag of slimey pumpkin entrails would have been so much fun?!?
Alden knows a little song from school "Mr. Pumpkin, Mr. Pumpkin, where are you? where are you? hiding in the cornfield, hiding in the cornfield, peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo!" She sings it all the time, and treated us to some of her vocal stylings while helping Matt carve the face.

Lily spent the evening laying the hallway.
And a picture of Hudson, just waking up from his nap, because there wasn't fair and equal representation of children in this entry.

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