Sunday, October 19, 2008

A UNC grad at Duke

This week was felt SO slow after not really having a weekend due to moving. We were so grateful to have some down time the past few days to catch up!

Matt and I had an unexpected surprise this week. His boss had tickets for the Duke basketball scrimmage and couldn't go, so he asked Matt if he wanted them. We got to spend Saturday afternoon all by ourselves and headed over to the Duke campus. This may be blasphemous for a Carolina grad to say, but I hadn't ever been to Duke's West campus, and it was beautiful! We got to walk in the chapel, which was incredible. We had a great time walking around, and really enjoyed being at the game. Being in Cameron Indoor was almost like watching a game in a high school gym! A very different feel from the Dean Dome! Hudson has had an exciting week. He can really sit in the Bumbo seat now, and likes to sit up and look around. He rode facing forward in the Bjorn, which greatly improved his view on our walks, and is grabbing onto his toys on the playgym. Tonight is his first night sleeping in the crib. The pack and play was just getting too small, so we did some rearranging and got the crib set up in our room. (Who knows when we will be in our own place so he can have his own room!) Fortunately, he is a really good sleeper, and this past week slept 10-7 three different nights! He is so sweet, and cuddly, and I just love him so much. I am trying to relish his baby time, especially in contrast to Alden's 2 year old wildness!

Alden has been up to her usual antics this week...a couple of her gems...

Alden: I don't have a tail!
Mom (looking at the back of her pants): I don't know about that...I think I see one!
Alden: Well, pull it out!!!

Leigh sent a little Dwight (from the Office) head in a package the other week. Alden loves Dwight and tonight at Target, she saw some and said, "Mommy, look! Dwights!" She likes for Ashley to chase her around with him.
At school this week, they talked about the fair, and Alden is SO excited. She keeps talking about seeing "baby goats and baby pigs", eating "cot-on candy", and "riding a hor-hee". We are going Tuesday after Matt gets off work! Here she is practicing on Maverick.Yesterday, the stars must have been in some kind of perfect alignment because Alden went pee on the potty twice! Of course, no potty success today. We are trying to entice her with candy corns.
Riding her bike on one of our 80 degree days!
Watching a show about "cay-men" (cavemen) with Pop pop and eating BBQ chips.
Two passy kids. Someone at Aldi was kind enough to point old that Alden is too old to have one. Well, I am not ready to give up naps yet, and I am afraid that may be a side effect of giving up the passys.
Throwing acorns in the creek has been a highlight this week!

Taking Baby on a walk. Got her trusty bucket of acorns ready!

Giving the "pee-hull" a bath and lining them up to dry.And for good measure, a picture of our "first child". I walked her the other day, when it was our first day in the 50's and she was so excited! Lily is definitely a winter dog!

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