Sunday, October 5, 2008

Two Month Check-up

Hudson had his 2 month check up this past Monday. Here are his stats

12 lbs, 4 oz 70% weight
22 3/4 in, 50% height
39 1/2 cm, 40% head circumference

What a change from Alden to have a kid pushing the 50-70% in anything! She has always been such a little peanut.

The doctor said he looked great and incidentally, saw Alden later that week on Thursday. I finally took her in to ask about her chronic constipation, because we have exhausted all diet/fluid strategies. She only goes every 2-3 days, and when she does, it is like giving birth. Plus, the whole day she has to go, she is whiny and makes us miserable. The doctor told us to give her Miralax twice a day for a few months. Today, after 3 days of Miralax, she had a giant, explosive poop. Hopefully, that will be the worst one, and things will start getting more, um, regular.

Last weekend Alden and I were invited to a mom/daughter tea party that my old YL leader was hosting. Alden got to dress up in her princess duds, and I got to spend some time with other moms!

That night, Matt and I went out on a date! It was great to be away by ourselves again. We had a scrumptulescent dinner at CPK, and I introduced Matt to the Thai Crunch Salad, my favorite salad of ALL time. We spent some time wandering around Southpoint, and enjoying having a conversation that wasn't interrupted by requests for juice or cookies, or interventions between Alden and Hudson.

We tried a missionary alliance church, and had lunch with Bebe and Poppop at La Cantina. Alden only made it part of the way through lunch, and had to go outside and play with Bebe until we were done. It is definitely not easy to take two kids out to eat.
This weekend has been pretty chill. I got my hair cut yesterday, and we went back to Apex Baptist this morning. Mom and Dad have been away on an Emmaus Weekend, so it has just been us and Auntie Ashley around the house.

As of last Friday, Hudson sucks his thumb. He still likes his passy a lot, too, but at night or during naps, he will start smacking on it. I know there are pluses and minuses about thumb-sucking, but for right now, I am just thankful that he can't lose his thumb. We have also had to bring out the bibs this week. Tuesday, he just started drooling. Here we go with the 4-5 bibs and 2-3 shirts a day phase...

He has been sleeping SO well; usually from 8 or 9 until 4:30, and then up for the day around 7:30 or 8. Again, what a change from Alden. She was still getting up 2-3 times a night at this point. God knows I need more sleep with 2 kids!

Hudson has also figured out this week how to hit and sometimes grab onto the hanging things on his Einstein gym.
Alden has been playing a lot with her "pee-hull" (people) this week. They are the first thing she looks for in the morning, and even puts a blanket over their shoebox at night.She likes to hold Hudson's hands and sing "Ring around the Rosies". He doesn't think this is a very fun game.
Going on a walk. It takes us just as long to get ready as it does to actually do the walking. This night, we walked over to the park, and Alden rode the merry-go-round over and over. She was really "di-ee" (dizzy).

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