Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat, Pee-Pa

Halloween was a great day around the Wyatt house. Matt got to dress up for work and resurrected the 49er outfit that my dad wore when he was the mascot at UNCC, and that I wore for many a tableau at Frontier.
Alden tried the hat on.
We had a really fun day, avoiding the Y, because we all still have colds, and went to a new park near the house. Hudson slept most of the time, so Alden and I had a good time playing together. We had to stop by Kroger to pick up some things for dinner, and Alden started her trick-or-treating early. During the 15 minutes we were there, she scored a balloon, 2 lollipops, a cookie (from a guy dressed as Joe the Plumber, which I thought was clever), and a candy bar. She also shared with anyone who would listen that "I have a baby brother!"

I know I am her mom, but Alden was absolutely precious as "Pee-Pa" (Peter Pan). One of the neighbors we went to even said she was the highlight of their night. Matt and I took her out first, and she was a little wary at the first 2 houses. But, she caught on pretty quick. I went to a few more with her and Matt, then we came back to the house, and Pop pop and Amber joined Alden and Matt, and I took over door-answering duties. I thought they were just going a few more places, but an hour later, Alden comes running in, "I'm back from trick-or-treat!" Apparently, she is a trick-or-treating maniac, and kept saying, "More houses?" Good thing my dad took a back up bag for her, because her little purple purse she took didn't come close to holding her loot.

Checking out her booty. Note blue tongue. That was from her 4th dum-dum of the night.
Now, don't get the impression that Alden wasn't sharing any of her candy. She was eating Skittles, and spit out two partially chewed ones..."I don't yike these" and said, "Here you go Mommy!"
Hudson was a pumpkin, and spent the evening drooling on his Baby Einstein playmat, and sleeping in the swing. He was not very impressed with Halloween, but if you can't eat candy, what's all the fuss about?
After Alden came down from her sugar high and the kids were finally in bed, Matt and I went to a friends' house for a party.

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