Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Just a few things

Just a few things from the past couple days-

*We got the exer-saucer down for Hudson. He loves it! All of a sudden he seems so big in there, "standing", and playing with the toys.

*I got the Bumbo tray out for him, too. Of course, Alden wanted a turn, too, and asked for her snack in it this afternoon. Yes, she still fits in the Bumbo seat.
*Alden told Ashley today on the phone that she had a "hard day". What?? Like she had to play at the Y, go to the library for storytime, and take a nap. Tough life.

*We hadn't been to the library in a while, but Alden says today at the start of storytime, "No library, I go home now." I don't feel so bad about missing it all these months now. She wasn't interested anyway.

*My mom got home this afternoon, and Alden announces, "Bebe!! I go pee-pee RIGHT NOW," and then runs to the potty. Of course, she didn't actually go.

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