Monday, November 17, 2008

New "Coys" and the Flipside of Flipping Over

We have had a great last week. It went by so quickly. Alden had school two days, we went to the park, the Y, etc, and I spent some time sewing a jumper for Alden. It was my first experiment with applique, and I ended up having to redo the applique part, oh, about 4 times!
My dad got Alden a Little People Trick-or-Treat set and some Thanksgiving/Hayride sets. Alden calls them her "new coys" and is always asking Ashley "Ahhh-hee pay new coy wi' me!" Ashley is very gracious to indulge her! Lily was checking them out one night.
Alden getting ready for school. She has been answering the phone a lot lately. Sometimes this is a little awkward when it is someone that isn't family. She hears it ring and says, "I get it! I get it!"
Pop-pop made another batch of party mix this past week. Alden supervised.

Making those expanding-from-a-capsule-sponge-animals with Amber and Ashley.
"Hiking" on the Tobacco Trail with Ashley and the dogs.
Hudson has been grabbing everything in reach and trying to put it in his mouth. He really likes to go for his feet while he is sitting in the Bumbo seat. He is also rolling over a lot. Mostly from front to back, with a little back to front thrown in there. The flipside to his flipping is that he is not sleeping through the night anymore. He starts out on his side now, and won't let us lay him down on his tummy. He sleeps fine like that, but eventually turns onto his back and wakes himself up. This is especially frustrating, because I was really used to getting a solid 6-7 hours. Too bad we can't tape him down or something.

In sadder news, we learned that Amber's dog Kaylee has a cancerous tumor. We are hoping the bloodwork will not show that it has spread, and that she will be able to have surgery to have it removed.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I cannot believe how much Alden looks like you in that 2nd picture. That is an Allison face if I ever saw one!